Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fuckin' Twitter (blog virginity)

Twitter is a social networking type website where all you do is tell your friends what you are doing. Whoever thought of that has fuck for brains. Twitter is the love stain on the backseat of the internet. It is the least useful site in the world but somehow every TV show in the world caught a sparratic case of Downs and decided that it made sense in their pretty little exuctive heads to get Twitter. Why the fuck would everyone you know want to know what you're doing every insignificant second of your life that would probably be better spent creating animal porn in the basement of your best friend Steve's house. But knowing dumbass Twitter supporters they would be like Dave is fucking an animal and filming it in Steve's ballsweat smelling basement. Anyone and anyone who has Twitter or believes that they will make friends with twitter should have a surgery where the head is literally placed inside their ass and can be as far as they are retarded. And guess what? You can add strangers too so some creepy homeless guy who jacks off in the computer lab of a library could know what you are doing all the time. Getting something sexual out of it just imagining Steve's basement and god knows what is going on in there. What's really funny about it is the group of helen kellar impersonators that run twitter aren't charging for shit so how it still exist doesn't make shit sense to me. Twitter is basically the status tool on Facebook. Facebook is a community where there ae no creepy rapist because you know your friends and no constant reminder that you dont give a shit about most the stuff your friends do. If I were to every kill a man I would tell the police that Twitter made me do it and get off free and they would shut down the fucking site and be over with. So if you watch the news and here a Twitter related murder I have no idea what you are talking about. Please dont ever use it or you will be sentenced life in Steve's basement with Dave and the ass load of animals they have.

1 comment:

  1. Twitter isn't THAT BAD....
    see how much FUN it is?
    and how frequently updated?!

    twitter = fail. =]
